Medium heat
Medium heat is the cooking stage required during the heating phase. The medium heat on your stove can be determined as follows:
Put the desired Vacuum Steamer covered with half a litre of cold water on the cold plate. Now switch the hob to the medium level (at 8 levels to level 4) and measure the time it takes until the first steam bubbles to escape. The waiting time should be 8 - 10 minutes, otherwise the hob is too hot or too cold and therefore the stove must be set higher or lower. The level at which 8 - 10 minutes were observed is the medium heat on your hob. It is recommended to do this process with every hob as well as each size of the pans in order to determine the medium heat individually. Experience has shown that larger Vacuum Steamers with a lot of content require a higher level of heat. In the case of newer glass ceramic hobs, lower levels are sufficient (e.g. level 2 or 3 out of 12).